If you ever talk to any Night Ranger fan in Britain, you can almost hear the anger in their voice when they talk about Night Ranger and the lack oppurtunities to see them in their home country. And sometimes you have to push that anger aside and act…and UK fan Mark did just that! This week fellow FIM member Mark Greenaway joins us and shares his exploits on flying over from England to the Colonies! From mishaps at the Nashville airport, to road tripping with Andy & Brent, to being over served at the FIM get-together, to rocking at the NR orchestra show….to finally meeting his heroes face to face! So sit back, grab some dull tasting food & pretend you are British and enjoy these tales from English NR Superfan Mark Greenaway! (Not to be confused with Mark Singmeaway, Mark Chippinaway, or Mark Heartsaway!)